• Third Grade Supply List

    Please remember to bring these items the first week of school:

    • 2 -two inch clear-view three ring binders
    • 1 -one inch clear-view three ring binder
    • 2 -two-pocket folders
    • 12 #2 pencils pre-sharpened
    • 1 covered pencil sharpener
    • 6 glue sticks
    • 1 box of 24 Crayola crayons
    • 1 ream white, wide ruled notebook paper
    • 1 pack of 4 odorless dry erase markers 
    • 4 pads of post it notes, any color
    • 1 yellow highlighter
    • Scissors
    • 1 pencil case
    • 2 boxes of Kleenex
    • 2 containers of ‘green’ disinfecting wipes
    • 1 pair of earbuds 
    • 1 pair of gym shoes to be left at school in a gym bag
    • The students will need to purchase a special assignment book which will be available the first day of school for a total cost of $5.00.