Help for Families in Need
United Way helpline for assistance with bills, rent and food. Call 1-866-211-9966 or text your zip code to 898-211 or visit PA211sw.org; sign up for text alerts at pa211sw.org/text-alerts.
Allegheny County Health Department Hotline: 888-856-2774. Residents can call to speak with a representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reps from hotline will help triage calls from residents with symptoms, provide general information and guidance for residents with concerns, and answer or direct questions to other individuals or organizations as needed.
Find a food bank: https://www.pittsburghfoodbank.org/get-help/locator/
Food Distribution Sites: https://alcogis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=abaca148492b47a7ad0d5a71f5d2c5e8&fbclid=IwAR1fOB49hSD6fJmEBHkXvu5_4cFnu7OBobR6sDP76zr4bfquqtlJNPhRrIY
Carlow Closet university’s food pantry: Please contact Mrs. Webster or Ms. Wise.
Local Restaurants offering lunch for children in need: Local Restaurants
Hebrew Free Loan Association: http://hflapgh.org/hfl-unveils-loan-program-to-address-financial-impact-of-covid-19-pandemic/
Taking care of your mental healthy during times of uncertainty: https://afsp.org/taking-care-of-your-mental-health-in-the-face-of-uncertainty/
2 Free months of internet access from Comcast https://www.internetessentials.com/
Free Xfinity WiFi hotspots, including non-Xfinity customers www.xfinity.com/wifi