Upper School Math Placement Guidelines - Rising 6th - 8th Grade

  • Goal For Every Student:  to become an independent and self-regulating learner and problem solver.


    The mathematics program at The Campus School is designed to teach for retention, that is, for enduring understanding and application of concepts and not just for mastery, the temporary demonstration or application of a skill.


    To that end, student progress is continually evaluated, and students are flexibly grouped to meet the goal. The traditional class completes grade level work, including necessary review and concept building activities. The accelerated class covers concepts in more depth and at a fast pace. Both sections emphasize efficient computation and effective problem solving strategies.


    Placement is based on measures of student readiness (final math average, grade level placement test, standardized math test score) and student effort (teacher observation, completed assignments, attempts at extra credit). No single measure will automatically include or exclude a student from placement.